Rakesh's movie talk
Superman III (1983)

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Directed by Richard Lester
Written by Leslie and David Newman
Starring: Christoper Reeve, Richard Pryor and Robert Vaughn

Why? Why? In the name of humanity, why? Why must they make this piece of trash, so utterly worthless and is disrespectful of one of the major characters in comic kingdom. Why? Why?

From the opening scene, I knew that I am watching a different movie. Richard Pryor lines up for employment, gets no for an answer, asks for light, sees 'Earn money by becoming a computer programmer' on the match paper and he gets an idea. From there, we are introduced to the streets, while the credits start rolling. On the streets, endless romp of slapstick routine, which looks as stale as last years bread, takes place. There on, we see Clark Kent for the first time, who helps a driver....oh you get the idea.

Among my 'why's, here is my favourite: Why Richard Pryor?

Pryor is one of the funniest comedian of his time and those who had seen Silver Streak and Stir Crazy will attest to that. In this movie, he is reduced to just some face-making and mouthing some very idiotic lines. It is shameful to see such a talent doing nothing in this film.

What is Vaughn doing there, by the way? Who gave the bright idea that Robert Vaughn, formerly from The Man From U.N.C.L.E has enough talent to play a comic bad guy. Gimme a break, will-ya.

The only redeeming factor is Christopher Reeves' portrayal as Clark Kent/Superman. He is as good as usual. Here he gets to go a bit over-the-top when Supes get to become evil for awhile. Check it out; Superman is late to save a truck that fell off a bridge; He straightens the Leaning Tower of Pisa; Sleeps with a babe; and drinks. All this suppose to make him evil. Er-hem, apart from the bridge incident, I don't see anything that are bad. Reeves' best scene is when the evil Superman battles Clark Kent. Here, you can see how good an actor Reeves is, and how bad the directors and the scriptwriters are.

See it for Reeves. I got nothing else to recommend. I have contemplated about seeing this movie, because I have read some pretty bad reviews about it. I see it anyway so that I could check out the special effects, which I hoped had improved. Nope. No improvement, mate. Oh yeah, all that stuffs with computers are laughable now. There, I got a reason for you to watch the movie. Unintentional laughter. Have fun.

What am I doing in this movie, brother?

Check out my comments on other Superman movies:

Superman (1978)
Superman II (1980)
Superman IV: The Quest For Peace (1987)